Double cadence pyramids 1 hour 00 minutes

Double cadence pyramids 1 hour 00 minutes

Two sets of 5 intervals varying in length of time from 1 up to 3 minutes and back to 1 minute with 1 minute rest between every interval. The intervals must be done at high cadence (100-110 rpm), every minute rest must be done at lower cadence (85 rpm).





Training stress

Double cadence pyramids 1 hour 00 minutes

Double cadence pyramids 1 hour 00 minutes

Two sets of 5 intervals varying in length of time from 1 up to 3 minutes and back to 1 minute with 1 minute rest between every interval. The intervals must be done at high cadence (100-110 rpm), every minute rest must be done at lower cadence (85 rpm).





Training stress

Double cadence pyramids 1 hour 00 minutes

Double cadence pyramids 1 hour 00 minutes

Two sets of 5 intervals varying in length of time from 1 up to 3 minutes and back to 1 minute with 1 minute rest between every interval. The intervals must be done at high cadence (100-110 rpm), every minute rest must be done at lower cadence (85 rpm).





Training stress

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Start Your Personalized Training Plan Today

Discover the Benefits of JOIN and Achieve Your Cycling Goals

Start Your Personalized Training Plan Today

Discover the Benefits of JOIN and Achieve Your Cycling Goals