Running Q&A - The 10 most asked questions about JOIN Running

Running Q&A - The 10 most asked questions about JOIN Running

Nov 29, 2024

Running Q&A - The 10 most asked questions about JOIN Running

Running Q&A - The 10 most asked questions about JOIN Running

Nov 29, 2024

Running Q&A - The 10 most asked questions about JOIN Running

Running Q&A - The 10 most asked questions about JOIN Running

Nov 29, 2024

Running and cycling are two dynamic disciplines that complement each other very well, offering athletes a diverse and well-rounded approach to training. We acknowledge that at JOIN and are happy to soon introduce JOIN Running to our users.

Below, we’ve answered your most common questions regarding this exciting addition. If you'd like to stay up-to-date to any news regarding our Running feature, you can sign up to our Running Newsletter here.

Is it integrated with the cycling app?

Our running approach is entirely integrated with the cycling app. Our first and foremost goal is actually to combine running and cycling in a sensible and effective way, not to create a stand alone running app. So even when you are a veteran cyclist and a novice runner or the other way around this really combines running and cycling.

Can I set specific goals for running? Will I be able to switch between running and cycling goals?

In our first approach we emphasise that we are a cycling app for cyclists that can benefit from adding running workouts to their training routine. Therefore the goals in JOIN are for now only cycling goals. In the future we also want to support running goals. But first we encourage cyclists to incorporate some runs in a cycling training plan for multiple reasons like summarised in our article "6 reason why every cyclist should consider running".

How does running impact the cycling plan?

That’s very much dependent on the level of cyclist and runner you are. For example If you are a good cyclist but still need to build up a running physique, than the runs we prescribe are short and have a low training load. So in the beginning the runs don’t add a lot to your general cardiovascular health. The better you become at running the higher the intensity and the longer the duration gets and the more it adds to your stamina.

How will it adapt my plan?

Very much dependent again on the level of cyclist and runner you are. If you are an experienced runner than JOIN can prescribe you Vo2max running workouts that will replace some Vo2max that you otherwise would have done on your bike. So we really try to combine the load and intensity of running and cycling together to give you enough to improve and not too much to get overtrained.

Will it be suitable for (running) beginners?

For sure! Just make sure you set a beginner profile in the running profile and the running workouts will very slowly gradually increase length and duration. Especially for cyclists with a good stamina it’s very easy to overdo the build up for getting a running stamina.

How will I be able to combine running and cycling in my training?

Combining running and cycling in JOIN is easy. You decide how many weekly running workouts you prefer. We take into account your experience with running and schedule runs that fit your training plan best. It is also possible to set it to ‘0” running workout suggestions per week and then replace a cycling workout for a running workout on demand.

Is it possible to do cycling during the warmer season and running in the colder seasons?

It’s possible to leave out runs entirely in the summer and add 3 runs every week in the winter. So yes this is actually a very common use case!

What impact will running have on (cycling) metrics like my JOIN score? Will running use the same metrics as cycling? Will I be able to see the difference between the contribution of cycling vs. running in my progress/schedule?

A run can add quite significantly to your schedule progress. When you are getting more experienced with running and you can handle longer and more intense runs than the effect on your stamina also increases. However although a run adds a lot to you general cardiovasculair stamina and can make you a more dynamic and versatile cyclist you do train your muscles differently than with cycling. Therefore it does add some to your cycling level but the impact is not as big as for a cycling workout. That's just because it is not specific enough. You simply can't become a better cyclists by only doing runs. However we do advice cyclists do incorporate runs regularly in their training routine to not only become better cyclists but also better athletes.

What functionalities will running have?

Most importantly, the first approach suggests running workouts in a training plan towards a cycling goal. Additionally, we have familiar functionalities, but now for running, such as: exporting a workout to your favourite platform (Apple Watch export will come with this functionality!) a workout list with all running workouts and of course your running workouts will be part of your Training History. Lastly, in setting up Running in JOIN you’ll find the Pace calculator, which will help you determine the correct Threshold pace to use for your runs.

How can I ensure that running contributes to my cycling level, rather than taking away from it (considering that running is more intense and injury-prone)? How will it consider muscle strain?

Of course getting injured is big blow for your progress and something we try to avoid by prescribing runs that fit your running profile based on all the data we collect. Based on all this data and on your latest run we always make a soreness prediction, that you can change yourself in the readiness section of the app. That way you can adjust JOIN when you don’t feel ready for your next workout. Predicting muscle strain was one of the hardest parts of this integration and it’s actually the corner stone of aligning runs and rides in the right way. We believe we created something that actually works even your a veteran cyclist and a novice runner or the other way around.

Whether running is new to you or a familiar routine, it’s a great way to challenge your body in new ways while building strength and endurance that carry over to your cycling. We’re excited to see how this addition will fit into your training and help you grow as an athlete.

Running and cycling are two dynamic disciplines that complement each other very well, offering athletes a diverse and well-rounded approach to training. We acknowledge that at JOIN and are happy to soon introduce JOIN Running to our users.

Below, we’ve answered your most common questions regarding this exciting addition. If you'd like to stay up-to-date to any news regarding our Running feature, you can sign up to our Running Newsletter here.

Is it integrated with the cycling app?

Our running approach is entirely integrated with the cycling app. Our first and foremost goal is actually to combine running and cycling in a sensible and effective way, not to create a stand alone running app. So even when you are a veteran cyclist and a novice runner or the other way around this really combines running and cycling.

Can I set specific goals for running? Will I be able to switch between running and cycling goals?

In our first approach we emphasise that we are a cycling app for cyclists that can benefit from adding running workouts to their training routine. Therefore the goals in JOIN are for now only cycling goals. In the future we also want to support running goals. But first we encourage cyclists to incorporate some runs in a cycling training plan for multiple reasons like summarised in our article "6 reason why every cyclist should consider running".

How does running impact the cycling plan?

That’s very much dependent on the level of cyclist and runner you are. For example If you are a good cyclist but still need to build up a running physique, than the runs we prescribe are short and have a low training load. So in the beginning the runs don’t add a lot to your general cardiovascular health. The better you become at running the higher the intensity and the longer the duration gets and the more it adds to your stamina.

How will it adapt my plan?

Very much dependent again on the level of cyclist and runner you are. If you are an experienced runner than JOIN can prescribe you Vo2max running workouts that will replace some Vo2max that you otherwise would have done on your bike. So we really try to combine the load and intensity of running and cycling together to give you enough to improve and not too much to get overtrained.

Will it be suitable for (running) beginners?

For sure! Just make sure you set a beginner profile in the running profile and the running workouts will very slowly gradually increase length and duration. Especially for cyclists with a good stamina it’s very easy to overdo the build up for getting a running stamina.

How will I be able to combine running and cycling in my training?

Combining running and cycling in JOIN is easy. You decide how many weekly running workouts you prefer. We take into account your experience with running and schedule runs that fit your training plan best. It is also possible to set it to ‘0” running workout suggestions per week and then replace a cycling workout for a running workout on demand.

Is it possible to do cycling during the warmer season and running in the colder seasons?

It’s possible to leave out runs entirely in the summer and add 3 runs every week in the winter. So yes this is actually a very common use case!

What impact will running have on (cycling) metrics like my JOIN score? Will running use the same metrics as cycling? Will I be able to see the difference between the contribution of cycling vs. running in my progress/schedule?

A run can add quite significantly to your schedule progress. When you are getting more experienced with running and you can handle longer and more intense runs than the effect on your stamina also increases. However although a run adds a lot to you general cardiovasculair stamina and can make you a more dynamic and versatile cyclist you do train your muscles differently than with cycling. Therefore it does add some to your cycling level but the impact is not as big as for a cycling workout. That's just because it is not specific enough. You simply can't become a better cyclists by only doing runs. However we do advice cyclists do incorporate runs regularly in their training routine to not only become better cyclists but also better athletes.

What functionalities will running have?

Most importantly, the first approach suggests running workouts in a training plan towards a cycling goal. Additionally, we have familiar functionalities, but now for running, such as: exporting a workout to your favourite platform (Apple Watch export will come with this functionality!) a workout list with all running workouts and of course your running workouts will be part of your Training History. Lastly, in setting up Running in JOIN you’ll find the Pace calculator, which will help you determine the correct Threshold pace to use for your runs.

How can I ensure that running contributes to my cycling level, rather than taking away from it (considering that running is more intense and injury-prone)? How will it consider muscle strain?

Of course getting injured is big blow for your progress and something we try to avoid by prescribing runs that fit your running profile based on all the data we collect. Based on all this data and on your latest run we always make a soreness prediction, that you can change yourself in the readiness section of the app. That way you can adjust JOIN when you don’t feel ready for your next workout. Predicting muscle strain was one of the hardest parts of this integration and it’s actually the corner stone of aligning runs and rides in the right way. We believe we created something that actually works even your a veteran cyclist and a novice runner or the other way around.

Whether running is new to you or a familiar routine, it’s a great way to challenge your body in new ways while building strength and endurance that carry over to your cycling. We’re excited to see how this addition will fit into your training and help you grow as an athlete.

Running and cycling are two dynamic disciplines that complement each other very well, offering athletes a diverse and well-rounded approach to training. We acknowledge that at JOIN and are happy to soon introduce JOIN Running to our users.

Below, we’ve answered your most common questions regarding this exciting addition. If you'd like to stay up-to-date to any news regarding our Running feature, you can sign up to our Running Newsletter here.

Is it integrated with the cycling app?

Our running approach is entirely integrated with the cycling app. Our first and foremost goal is actually to combine running and cycling in a sensible and effective way, not to create a stand alone running app. So even when you are a veteran cyclist and a novice runner or the other way around this really combines running and cycling.

Can I set specific goals for running? Will I be able to switch between running and cycling goals?

In our first approach we emphasise that we are a cycling app for cyclists that can benefit from adding running workouts to their training routine. Therefore the goals in JOIN are for now only cycling goals. In the future we also want to support running goals. But first we encourage cyclists to incorporate some runs in a cycling training plan for multiple reasons like summarised in our article "6 reason why every cyclist should consider running".

How does running impact the cycling plan?

That’s very much dependent on the level of cyclist and runner you are. For example If you are a good cyclist but still need to build up a running physique, than the runs we prescribe are short and have a low training load. So in the beginning the runs don’t add a lot to your general cardiovascular health. The better you become at running the higher the intensity and the longer the duration gets and the more it adds to your stamina.

How will it adapt my plan?

Very much dependent again on the level of cyclist and runner you are. If you are an experienced runner than JOIN can prescribe you Vo2max running workouts that will replace some Vo2max that you otherwise would have done on your bike. So we really try to combine the load and intensity of running and cycling together to give you enough to improve and not too much to get overtrained.

Will it be suitable for (running) beginners?

For sure! Just make sure you set a beginner profile in the running profile and the running workouts will very slowly gradually increase length and duration. Especially for cyclists with a good stamina it’s very easy to overdo the build up for getting a running stamina.

How will I be able to combine running and cycling in my training?

Combining running and cycling in JOIN is easy. You decide how many weekly running workouts you prefer. We take into account your experience with running and schedule runs that fit your training plan best. It is also possible to set it to ‘0” running workout suggestions per week and then replace a cycling workout for a running workout on demand.

Is it possible to do cycling during the warmer season and running in the colder seasons?

It’s possible to leave out runs entirely in the summer and add 3 runs every week in the winter. So yes this is actually a very common use case!

What impact will running have on (cycling) metrics like my JOIN score? Will running use the same metrics as cycling? Will I be able to see the difference between the contribution of cycling vs. running in my progress/schedule?

A run can add quite significantly to your schedule progress. When you are getting more experienced with running and you can handle longer and more intense runs than the effect on your stamina also increases. However although a run adds a lot to you general cardiovasculair stamina and can make you a more dynamic and versatile cyclist you do train your muscles differently than with cycling. Therefore it does add some to your cycling level but the impact is not as big as for a cycling workout. That's just because it is not specific enough. You simply can't become a better cyclists by only doing runs. However we do advice cyclists do incorporate runs regularly in their training routine to not only become better cyclists but also better athletes.

What functionalities will running have?

Most importantly, the first approach suggests running workouts in a training plan towards a cycling goal. Additionally, we have familiar functionalities, but now for running, such as: exporting a workout to your favourite platform (Apple Watch export will come with this functionality!) a workout list with all running workouts and of course your running workouts will be part of your Training History. Lastly, in setting up Running in JOIN you’ll find the Pace calculator, which will help you determine the correct Threshold pace to use for your runs.

How can I ensure that running contributes to my cycling level, rather than taking away from it (considering that running is more intense and injury-prone)? How will it consider muscle strain?

Of course getting injured is big blow for your progress and something we try to avoid by prescribing runs that fit your running profile based on all the data we collect. Based on all this data and on your latest run we always make a soreness prediction, that you can change yourself in the readiness section of the app. That way you can adjust JOIN when you don’t feel ready for your next workout. Predicting muscle strain was one of the hardest parts of this integration and it’s actually the corner stone of aligning runs and rides in the right way. We believe we created something that actually works even your a veteran cyclist and a novice runner or the other way around.

Whether running is new to you or a familiar routine, it’s a great way to challenge your body in new ways while building strength and endurance that carry over to your cycling. We’re excited to see how this addition will fit into your training and help you grow as an athlete.

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Join thousands of cyclists who have improved their performance with JOIN's training plans.

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Unlock Your Cycling Potential Today

Join thousands of cyclists who have improved their performance with JOIN's training plans.

By joining, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.