Maximum torque intervals 0 hours 54 minutes
2 sets of 3x 20-second strength efforts. Really make it an all-out interval at a low, 60 rpm cadence. Easier to do on an incline or against a headwind. Keep your upper body steady. Recover for 3 minutes in the tempo zone in between the strength intervals.
Training stress

Maximum torque intervals 0 hours 54 minutes
2 sets of 3x 20-second strength efforts. Really make it an all-out interval at a low, 60 rpm cadence. Easier to do on an incline or against a headwind. Keep your upper body steady. Recover for 3 minutes in the tempo zone in between the strength intervals.
Training stress

Maximum torque intervals 0 hours 54 minutes
2 sets of 3x 20-second strength efforts. Really make it an all-out interval at a low, 60 rpm cadence. Easier to do on an incline or against a headwind. Keep your upper body steady. Recover for 3 minutes in the tempo zone in between the strength intervals.
Training stress

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